Arquivo da tag: diversos – artigos gerais

The magic of a pen and a notebook – Is there still a place for them?

In these times of smartphones, tablets, laptops, with quick communication and prompt messages perhaps there is room for the question:

Is there a place for a paper notebook and a pen, yet?

Our opinion is a resonating “yes”.

There is still room for an elegant signature and for a well-crafted writing with an instrument full of tradition and style.

There is plenty of space to make a surprise to someone with a beautiful notebook for writing notes, phrases, meditations, or the adventuring of writing daily memories, Continue lendo The magic of a pen and a notebook – Is there still a place for them?

Audiobooks – a good option for some good reasons


Have you listened any book recently?

Audiobooks are a very good option in our time taking times.

You can download an audiobook easily for many of your personal devices.

Classical and modern works can be listened in the traffic or while walking and during bedtime.

The audiobook option is good for people with any kind of sight problems, or for activities that would afford to listen a story from a sound device in home or even for people wanting to improve listening skills and students of foreign languages. Continue lendo Audiobooks – a good option for some good reasons

The New York Times – more than a News agency

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Not everyone knows that the famous News organization The New York Times does not sell simply News.
This company also gives the opportunity to choose a pretty souvenir, or to get a gift for someone very cherished.
Lovers of News and of History can explore  The New York Times Company Store to find an interesting first page that can be a portrait for the living room or office.

Continue lendo The New York Times – more than a News agency

The New Your Times – mais do que uma agência de notícias‏

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Nem todos sabem que a famosa organização de informação The New York Times não vende simplesmente notícias.
A companhia também pode apresentar-se como uma oportunidade para escolher um bonito souvenir, ou para separar um presente para alguém a quem se quer bem.
Os amantes de notícias e histórias podem explorar a The New York Times Company Store para encontrar uma primeira página interessante que poderá ser um quadro em sua sala ou escritório.

Continue lendo The New Your Times – mais do que uma agência de notícias‏

Microsoft store – learn more with microsoft e-books and courses

If you want to get specialized and if you want to learn more about functions and possible tools to be used in your computer,  Microsoft Press Store can help you.

Microsoft Press Store is a reliable and authoritative source for getting books and courses with certication for anyone interested in learning more about the resources related to Windows platform.

There area also materials about programming, Java Script, SQL, HTML and many other topics. Continue lendo Microsoft store – learn more with microsoft e-books and courses

Microsoft store – aprenda mais com e-books e cursos microsoft

Se você quer se especializar e conhecer melhor as funções e ferramentas possíveis de serem usadas em seu computador, a Microsoft Press Store pode lhe ajudar.

A Microsoft Press Store é uma fonte segura e autorizada para que você obtenha livros e cursos com certicação para qualquer pessoa interessada em aprender mais sobre os recursos relacionados à plataforma Windows.

Há também materiais sobre programação, Java Script, SQL, HTML e muitos outros tópicos. Continue lendo Microsoft store – aprenda mais com e-books e cursos microsoft

Os Lugares Mágicos dos Filmes de Harry Potter – de Jody Revenson

Você é fã de Harry Potter, Hermione Granger e Ronald Weasley? Você gosta de Dumbledore, do Castelo de Hogwarts e dos demais personagens da série?
Então provavelmente você vai gostar de ter o livro “Os Lugares Mágicos dos Filmes de Harry Potter”.
Este livro leva você pelos lugares e cenários do filme, com ilustrações e explicações, detalhes e curiosidades relacionados às aventuras retratadas nas narrativas de J.K.Rowling.
A Warner Bros fez um trabalho maravilhoso para trazer aos Continue lendo Os Lugares Mágicos dos Filmes de Harry Potter – de Jody Revenson

Jim Collins – interesting reasoning for companies, organizations and enterprises

The author and speaker Jim Collins was widely acclaimed for his book Good to Great.

The book by itself has become an analytical reference on the health of a business or organization .

But the author wrote other books besides this well known book, as Beyond Positive Thinking (that we recommend to our readers), or How the Mighty Fall.

What we believe to be very interesting in Jim ‘s work is that his conclusions are illustrated by real and verifiable stories, and they are accompanied by graphics.

His books may serve as a reflection basis within Continue lendo Jim Collins – interesting reasoning for companies, organizations and enterprises

Project Management – interesting materials – how to develop a business project

Project management is not something to be taken lightly. For students and professionals, this area of knowledge should be looked carefully.

It is a work and an art.

It may be a project for an extensive change in business processes of an enterprise or organization, or changes of an information and control system, the challenge is to allow it happen without ruptures in the organization suffers, or mak the change effective with the least possible impact .

In a project management some professionals forget that the project itself is a name or picture into a file or paper.

In fact a project requires people, resources and time. You need to have a starting point in which you set the base; you need a maturation process; resources and finally an implementation and maintenance strategy.

As simple as it may seem, any project < ! – More -> should be viewed with discretion and care. Human resources, all the tasks that need to be performed and the sequence and required action must be linked to a logic sequence.

In the globalization world, in which the initiatives of companies and organizations need and must take into account internal and external aspects, project management becomes increasingly important, and people who understand and know how to perform and carry out such management are key differentiators.
So, if you are a director, manager, supervisor, team leader or participant, do not underestimate the value of studying project management, and the possibilities of how to manage tasks and phases of a new initiative.

There are training and various courses that can be accessed by people from various fields, backgrounds and economic scope, which can help any person who have genuine interest on learning Project management processes.

In addition to courses and formal training, literature can help you effectively.

An interesting material is the one entitled 7000 + Management and Business Documents, which brings a number of templates to be used and adapted for various projects .

Another material is the one entitled Project Management:The Managerial Process with MS Project, in which the authors Erik Larson and Clifford Gray seek to demonstrate the human and methodological dimension of a project.

And there are other possibilities in the literature that can be found easily.

You must try to update yourself by reading about it and also participating in initiatives in your own field and company or organization – more than ever companies and organizations need people willing to face the challenges of the new times. For reference, anyone can consult books and several courses , such as:

Project Management Material – Click Here! / Project Templates –Click Here! / Project Management Tool Kit – Click Here! / Como elaborar e gerenciar projetos – Click Here!How to designe and develop social projects – Click Here!


Jim Collins – reflexões interessantes para empresas, organizações e empreendimentos

O autor e palestrante Jim Collins foi bastante aclamado pelo seu livro Good to Great.

O livro por si se tornou um referencial analítico sobre a saúde de uma empresa ou organização.

Mas o autor escreveu outros livros além deste tão conhecido, como o livro Beyond Positive Thinking (que recomendamos aos nossos leitores), ou How the Mighty Fall.

O que acreditamos ser bastante interessante no trabalho de Jim é que suas conclusões são ilustradas por histórias reais e verificáveis, e acompanhadas por gráficos.

Os seus livros podem servir para uma reflexão dentro de Continue lendo Jim Collins – reflexões interessantes para empresas, organizações e empreendimentos